Health Net Documentation
Last Updated: 2/18/02
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Document Title On-Line Version (HTML) Off-Line Version (Word)
ACS Documents:
            ACS Glossary View Download
            Certified Mail Tracking View Download
            Change Procedure View Download
            CRF Tracking View Download
            HCC COB View Download
            HealthNet Workflow View Download
            HN Disaster Recovery Plan View Download
            Inventory Report View Download
            JUKER Rejects Report View Download
            Life of a Claim View Download
            Mailroom Workflow View Download
            Masks for proposed ACS DCN View Download
            Member Juker Consolidation View Download
            MHN Workflow View Download
            Refund Check Log View Download
            Rescan Request Report View Download
Health Net California Commercial/Medicare/Oregon Documents:
            Ack File Format View Download
            Auto-Adjudicator Specification (Provider) View Download
            CA XML Example View Download
            Change Request Form (Commercial) View Download
            Extract File Layout View Download
            File Naming Convention View Download
            HCFA Input Requirements View Download
            HCFA Keying Instructions View Download
            Mail Room Document View Download
            OR XML Example View Download
            Output Documentation View Download
            UB92 Input Requirements View Download
            UB92 Keying Instructions View Download
            UB04 Keying Instructions View Download
            HCFA HCC Fields Check View Download
            UB HCC Fields Check View Download
Health Net California Medi-Cal Documents:
            Auto-Adjudicator Specification (Provider) View Download
            Change Request Form View Download
            Medi-Cal COB List View Download
            File Reject Requirements View Download
            HCFA Attachments G-J View Download
            HCFA 1500 Input and Output Requirements View Download
            HCFA Keying Instructions View Download
            Image Naming Specifications View Download
            Image Specifications View Download
            Mail Room Document View Download
            Medi-Cal Cap Mail Claims Routing View Download
            Medi-Cal Claim Number Format and Ranges View Download
            Misdirected ABS Commercial and Medicare Claims View Download
            Output Batch Sequencing Requirements View Download
            Output Documentation View Download
            Output Requirements View Download
            Process for Updating Lookup Tables View Download
            Record Grouping Requirements View Download
            Record Layout Image Control File View Download
            Record Layout Member File View Download
            Record Layout Provider File View Download
            Specification Index View Download
            Specification Issues View Download
            State Site Codes View Download
            UB92 Attachments View Download
            UB92 Input and Output Requirements View Download
            UB92 Keying Instructions View Download
            UB92 Patient Relationship to Insured View Download
Health Net North East Documents:
            Auto-Adjudicator Specification (Provider) View Download
            Change Request Form View Download
            HCFA Field Checks View Download
            HCFA Keying Instructions View Download
            MailRoom Procedures View Download
            HN Member Lookup View Download
            No COB Flag/Payer List View Download
            Non-Standard Keying Instructions View Download
            HN Provider Lookup View Download
            UB Field Checks View Download
            UB04 Keying Instructions View Download
            UB92 Keying Instructions View Download
MHN Documents:
            Change Request Form View Download
            Incident Report View Download
            Input/Output Specifications View Download
            Item Name Descriptions View Download
            Mailroom Document View Download
            Rules for processing MHN Forms View Download
            Keying Instructions CCFE View Download
            Keying Instructions HCFA View Download
            Keying Instructions OTRA View Download
            Keying Instructions OTRB View Download
            Keying Instructions OTRC View Download
            Keying Instructions PTS View Download
            Keying Instructions RFRC View Download
            Keying Instructions SOC View Download
            Keying Instructions UB04 View Download
            Keying Instructions UB92 View Download